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간단한 3 단계로 텍스트 작업을 단순화, 무료!

이것은 학생들에게 임의 이메일 주소를 생성하기 위해 설계된 간단한 온라인 도구입니다. 왼쪽의 입력 상자에 텍스트를 입력하고 출력 영역에서 라인 브레이크로 포맷 된 텍스트로 새 버전을 신속하게 받게됩니다. 그것은 사용하기 편하고, 자유롭게, 능률적입니다. 텍스트 입력 – 라인 브레이크 추가!

결과와 텍스트

도구 옵션


Generate up to 10,000 fake or unregistered email addresses in bulk using completely randomized names and user ids. You can specify the domain name or choose between the most commonly used email providers including Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Protonmail, and AOL. The local part of the email address is completely random and there is no guarantee that it will be an unregistered email address, though the probability that they are free is extremely high (99.99% for random and pronounceable ids).

How Many

Set the number of email addresses to be generated. The accepted value is from 1 to 10,000.

Domain Name

Specify the domain name that you want to be used. For example, gmail.com. Select “Custom” to use any domain name of your choice.

Unique ID

This will generate a highly unique random string for the local part of the email address. It consists of 8 random letters and 2 random numbers at the end.

Pronounceable ID

This will generate a pronounceable id for the local part of the email address. It consists of 10 random letters, with 5 alternating consonants and vowels, plus 2 random numbers at the end.

Real Names ID

This will generate a real name for the local part of the email address. The first names and surnames are based on our English name database from the United States.